Tanzania-India Bilateral Trade Volume Surges, President Samia Highlights Strong Economic Ties

President Samia Suluhu Hassan has announced a significant increase in bilateral trade between Tanzania and India over the past five years. Speaking at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, President Samia revealed that the trade volume between the two countries has risen from $2.6 billion in 2017/2018 to $6.5 billion in 2022/2023.

India, known as an Asian economic powerhouse, ranks among the top five countries investing in Tanzania. President Samia highlighted that 631 investment projects originating from India, with a total value of $3.7 billion, have contributed to making India Tanzania’s fourth-largest trading partner.

The President emphasized the importance of the growing economic ties between the two nations and called for India to become Tanzania’s number one bilateral trade partner and investment source, given their historic bonds and bilateral relations.

President Samia also expressed appreciation for India’s leadership and contribution to preserving and restoring values and humanity in an increasingly complex and materialistic world. She highlighted India’s active role in various international forums such as the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), the Commonwealth, and the Group of 77 (G77) in the United Nations, which have allowed Tanzania to have a voice and representation.

The President’s remarks underscored the strong economic and diplomatic relationship between Tanzania and India, with both countries recognizing the importance of further enhancing cooperation and mutual benefits.


Source: Daily News Tanzania

Tanzanian Government Efforts in Promoting Reading Culture and Eliminating Illiteracy Recognised During Literacy Week

The government has received praise for its efforts to promote a reading culture among school children and the general public. One of the measures taken by the government is the distribution of children’s story books in primary schools, with the aim of eradicating illiteracy within communities.

During the Literacy Week event at Mkuranga Primary School in Mkuranga district, Ms. Agripina Kadama, the Room to Read Programme Operations Manager for Kibaha Community Based office, commended the government’s initiatives. She emphasized the importance of establishing libraries in all primary schools so that books can be easily accessed and borrowed by children, supporting the government’s efforts.

Room to Read, in collaboration with Mkuranga District Council, is implementing the Literacy Project in 35 primary schools. The project provides professional assistance to teachers on facilitating life skills and financial education in 19 schools. It has also conducted training sessions on reading and writing for 113 teachers, library supervision for 95 teachers, and running library sessions for 252 teachers. Additionally, a total of 7,906 books on reading and writing have been distributed to standard one pupils, along with 57,319 children’s story books and 242 guidelines on Library Management.

Representing the District Executive Director (DED), Regina Masyole, the Mkuranga District Adult Officer, reiterated the government’s commitment to working with various stakeholders to eliminate illiteracy. The government aims to create a favourable environment for education in schools and support education stakeholders in achieving their objectives of improving educational standards.

The theme for this year’s Literacy Week celebrations was “Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies.”


Source: Daily News Tanzania