President Ruto Explores Employment Opportunities for Kenyans in Germany, Strengthening International Labour Agreements

President Ruto Explores Employment Opportunities For Kenyans In Germany, Strengthening International Labour Agreements

President William Ruto is currently in Germany on a mission to explore employment opportunities for Kenyan citizens in the European nation. This initiative comes in response to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s visit to Kenya in May, where he unveiled plans to welcome 250,000 Kenyan professionals, skilled laborers, and semi-skilled workers to address Germany’s significant labour needs.

Speaking to a congregation in Sotik, Bomet County, President Ruto highlighted the importance of international labour agreements and their role in combating the rising cost of living. He emphasized that youth employment is a crucial factor in achieving this goal and pledged to continue pursuing such agreements with various countries around the world.

President Ruto revealed that he is actively working with Labour Cabinet Secretary Florence Bore to establish bilateral labour agreements that would enable Kenya to send 3,000 workers abroad every week. The objective is to generate income for the country’s transformation and provide opportunities for Kenyan citizens.

While the president did not provide a specific timeline for the deployment of Kenyan workers under these agreements, he expressed his commitment to the cause. Addressing critics who questioned his frequent foreign trips, President Ruto stated that his travels are not for tourism but rather to work tirelessly for the welfare of Kenyans. He reiterated his understanding of the reasons he was elected to office.

In addition to his efforts in Germany, President Ruto recently announced that he had secured agreements with prominent American tech giants, including Amazon, Intel, and Google, during his US-Kenya roadshow in September. These agreements are expected to create thousands of digital job opportunities for Kenyan youth, contributing to the country’s economic growth. However, specific details regarding the number of jobs pledged by each corporation were not disclosed.

President Ruto’s initiatives to explore employment opportunities in Germany and forge international labour agreements demonstrate his commitment to addressing unemployment and improving the livelihoods of Kenyan citizens. These efforts are expected to create avenues for Kenyans to showcase their skills and contribute to the economies of both Germany and Kenya.


Source: Capital News

Global Summit in Nairobi Concludes with Divisions on Plastic Pollution Treaty

Global Summit In Nairobi Concludes With Divisions On Plastic Pollution Treaty

A week-long summit held at the United Nations Environment headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, focused on addressing the urgent issue of global plastic pollution, concluded on Sunday. With over 2,000 delegates in attendance, the discussions aimed to draft a binding treaty to combat the escalating problem of plastic pollution.

Last year, 175 countries committed to reaching a binding agreement by 2024 to address plastic pollution. The Nairobi meetings marked the third of five sessions planned to be completed by next year, with the goal of adopting the treaty in 2025.

However, as the summit came to a close, delegates remained divided on the substance of the treaty. Plastic pollution has become pervasive, affecting ecosystems from oceans to mountaintops, with production projected to triple by 2060. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) emphasized the need to focus on reducing plastic production rather than relying solely on recycling. They called for a 75% reduction in production by 2040. On the other hand, oil-producing countries and plastic industry lobbies, also represented at the summit, advocated for recycling and improved waste management.

UNEP executive director Inger Andersen stressed the importance of addressing the entire life cycle of plastics, from production to final disposal. She stated, “We cannot recycle our way out of this mess.” Nonetheless, a “low ambition coalition” composed of oil-producing nations such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain faced accusations from environmental groups of impeding progress in the negotiations.

Kenya, one of the 60 “high ambition” nations, called for binding rules to reduce plastic use and production. President William Ruto urged negotiators to make significant progress in the discussions, emphasizing the limited time remaining until the 2024 deadline and the importance of the upcoming meetings.

Following the conclusion of the Nairobi negotiations, the discussions will continue in April 2024 in Canada and conclude in South Korea later that year. The timing of these negotiations aligns with the upcoming COP 28 climate conference in the United Arab Emirates, which aims to address greenhouse gas emissions and support developing countries in dealing with the consequences of climate change.

The global summit in Nairobi highlighted the pressing need for a comprehensive and effective treaty to combat plastic pollution. While divisions remained on the approach to tackling the issue, the discussions served as a crucial platform for raising awareness and fostering international cooperation in finding solutions.


Source: Africa News

Air Peace Granted Approval for Direct Flights to Dubai as Emirates Airlines Plans Return to Nigeria

Air Peace Granted Approval For Direct Flights To Dubai As Emirates Airlines Plans Return To Nigeria

In a significant development for the aviation industry, the government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has granted Air Peace, a Nigerian airline, the approval to operate direct flights to Dubai. The announcement was made by Festus Keyamo, the Minister of Aviation and Aerospace, who revealed that Emirates Airlines, which had previously suspended operations to Nigeria due to challenges repatriating earned dollars, also expressed its readiness to resume direct flights to the country.

During the recently concluded Dubai Airshow, the management of Emirates Airlines confirmed its intention to reinstate flight services to Nigeria. This news comes as a boost to the Nigerian aviation sector, as it signals the return of a major international airline to the country.

The Ministry of Aviation and Aerospace’s Head of Press, Odutayo Oluseyi, issued a statement highlighting Minister Keyamo’s meeting with Airline Executive’s CEO, Dana Hatcic. Airline Executive expressed interest in establishing a Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) facility in Nigeria, demonstrating confidence in the country’s aviation industry.

Furthermore, Minister Keyamo expressed his vision for organizing the inaugural Nigeria Air Show in November 2024, making Nigeria the first African country to host such an event. This will provide a platform for showcasing the nation’s aviation capabilities and attracting global participation.

During his visit to the Dubai Airshow, Minister Keyamo also explored the pavilions of leading aviation and aerospace companies. His objective was to examine cutting-edge technologies and modern infrastructure that could contribute to his 5-Point Agenda for Nigeria’s aviation industry. The agenda focuses on enhancing infrastructure, promoting innovation, and fostering creativity in civil aviation.

The Dubai Airshow, held from November 13 to November 17, 2023, witnessed the participation of numerous industry specialists from around the world. It served as a gathering point for aviation and aerospace experts, facilitating networking and the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

The approval for Air Peace to operate direct flights to Dubai and the readiness of Emirates Airlines to return to Nigeria mark positive developments for both countries’ aviation sectors. These initiatives are expected to enhance connectivity, boost trade and tourism, and further strengthen bilateral relations between the United Arab Emirates and Nigeria.


Source: Vanguard