Israeli Leaders Defiant, Vow to Continue Gaza Strip War Despite Mounting International Pressure

Israeli Leaders Defiant, Vow To Continue Gaza Strip War Despite Mounting International Pressure

In the face of increasing international pressure, including from key ally the United States, Israeli leaders affirmed on Wednesday their determination to press ahead with the ongoing Gaza Strip war, now in its third month. The conflict was sparked by the unprecedented October 7 attacks on Israel by Palestinian militant group Hamas, which Israeli officials claim resulted in the deaths of 1,200 individuals, predominantly civilians.

The war has inflicted severe devastation upon Gaza, leaving more than 18,600 people dead, with women and children constituting the majority of the casualties, according to the health ministry. Infrastructure, including roads, schools, and hospitals, has been decimated, and the scale of destruction has been described as “unparalleled.”

Despite the UN General Assembly’s recent overwhelming endorsement of a non-binding resolution calling for a ceasefire, Gaza has continued to witness fresh strikes and intense battles. Reportedly, the heaviest fighting has been concentrated in Gaza City, the largest urban center, as well as in Khan Yunis and Rafah in the south, according to correspondents from AFP.

The already dire situation has been compounded by wintery rains that have battered the territory. The UN estimates that out of Gaza’s 2.4 million population, 1.9 million people have been displaced, forced to live in makeshift tents as essential supplies such as food, drinking water, medicines, and fuel dwindle. Concerns about the spread of diseases, including meningitis, jaundice, and respiratory tract infections, have also intensified, as per the warning issued by the UN.

Ameen Edwan, a resident of Gaza, shared the harsh realities faced by the displaced population, recounting how rainwater seeped into their makeshift shelter at the Al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital. With a shortage of nylon covers, they resorted to using stones and sand to keep the water out, highlighting the desperate conditions faced by those affected.

The World Health Organization reported that only 107 humanitarian aid trucks entered Gaza from Egypt, a significant drop from the daily average of 500 before the events of October 7. This limited flow of aid exacerbates the challenges faced by the beleaguered population, further straining their access to essential resources.

As the conflict persists, the international community grapples with finding a resolution to the longstanding crisis. The determination of Israeli leaders to continue with the war in the face of mounting international pressure further underscores the complexity and gravity of the situation, leaving the people of Gaza in a state of uncertainty and anguish.


Source: The New Arab

Kenyan MP Sparks Controversy for Wearing Palestinian Scarf in Parliament

Kenyan Mp Sparks Controversy For Wearing Palestinian Scarf In Parliament

A Kenyan Member of Parliament (MP) has stirred controversy after being instructed to remove a traditional Palestinian scarf he was wearing during a parliamentary sitting. Farah Maalim, the MP in question, donned the scarf as a symbol of solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza, who were caught in the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Mr. Maalim expressed his belief that Palestine needed the support of all Kenyans during these challenging times. However, his gesture faced opposition from the Speaker of the National Assembly, who deemed the scarf a violation of parliamentary regulations.

Fellow MPs also joined in the criticism, accusing the legislator of showing disrespect towards the rules of the House. The incident highlights the ongoing debate surrounding the balance between individual expressions of solidarity and adherence to parliamentary decorum.

This incident follows the recent detention of three individuals by Kenyan authorities for their involvement in a pro-Palestinian gathering in Nairobi, the capital city. The brief detention of the individuals underscores the sensitive nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the varying perspectives surrounding it.

Mr. Maalim’s decision to wear the Palestinian scarf in Parliament has ignited discussions about the appropriate boundaries of political expression within the legislative chamber. Supporters argue that MPs should be allowed to express their solidarity with international causes, while opponents stress the importance of adhering to parliamentary rules and maintaining the decorum of the House.

The issue raises broader questions about the role of personal beliefs and political activism within the context of parliamentary proceedings. As the controversy unfolds, it remains to be seen whether this incident will lead to a revision of parliamentary regulations regarding symbolic displays by MPs or further ignite discussions on the delicate balance between personal expression and adherence to established rules and protocols.

The MP’s act of solidarity through wearing the Palestinian scarf has sparked a national conversation about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the role of Kenyan lawmakers in international affairs. It serves as a reminder that political gestures can have far-reaching implications, even within the confines of a parliamentary setting.


Source: Africa News