Kenya Sends Farm Workers to Israel to Address Labour Shortage

Kenya Sends Farm Workers To Israel To Address Labour Shortage

Kenya’s labour ministry has announced that it will send 1,500 farm workers to Israel, following in the footsteps of Malawi, which sent 221 young people to work on Israeli farms recently. The workers will be deployed on renewable three-year contracts with a guaranteed net monthly income of $1,500. Israel has turned to Africa to fill the labour gap on its farms after the departure of over 10,000 foreign workers, primarily from Thailand, due to the war with Hamas. The country has also restricted the entry of Palestinian workers, who formerly comprised nearly 20% of the agricultural labour force. Israel’s ambassador in Kenya stated that plans are underway to recruit farm workers from Uganda, while recruitment in Tanzania has already begun. Concerns have been raised about the workers’ safety and the working conditions they may face in Israel, given previous reports of unsafe practices and poor living conditions for migrant farm workers. However, Israel has implemented additional measures to ensure fair treatment of foreign workers and has stated that they enjoy the same employment rights as Israeli citizens. The move has received mixed reactions in Kenya, with some viewing it as an opportunity for much-needed jobs, while others express concerns about workers’ welfare in a conflict-prone region.


Source: BBC